Are You A Small to Medium Business Looking For Affordable Legal Help?
Get The Legal Protection You Need Today!Running a business, whether small or medium in size, can be stressful and let’s face it, costly. Budgeting is key and many business owners try to hold back on certain things in order to get their feet off the ground. However, cutting corners with legal costs often results in spending thousands of dollars more down the road on disputes and litigation. Your competitors don’t make that mistake – you shouldn’t, either.
At VerisLaw, we have pricing and packages that are suited for small to medium businesses. With our monthly on-demand legal service packages we can support your business and give you back the time and resources you need to run your business.
Whether you need an answer to a question, an employment agreement, representation in a lawsuit or something else, contact us first for the advocacy you and the business you built deserve.
On-Demand Legal Services
These packages are designed with you in mind. We want to be able to support both small and medium businesses, which means tailoring our services and pricing to fit your needs and budget. Get started with one of these packages today!
Let's Talk It Out.- Up to 4 hours of resource use per month
- Email response within 48 hours
- Annual business review
- Standard contract preparation (non-disclosure, employment, non-compete, sales, purchase)
Silver Plus
Let's Talk It Out.- Up to 6 hours of resource use per month
- Email response within 24 hours
- Annual business review
- Standard contract preparation (non-disclosure, employment, non-compete, sales, purchase)
VIP Service- Up to 10 hours of resource use per month
- Email response within 48 hours
- Annual business review
- Custom agreement preparation
Gold Plus
VIP Service- Up to 10 hours of resource use per month
- Email or telephonic responses within 24 hours
- Custom agreement preparation
- Annual business review
- A private urgent line for important matters
- 10% reduction on billable hours for retained matters
Contact Us About Your Case
Don’t wait any longer, contact VerisLaw today in order to have a trusted and experienced team of experts on your side.
None of the information you obtain at this site constitutes or is intended to be legal advice. Please be advised that if you need legal counsel, consult an attorney regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. When you contact VerisLaw this does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.